# CPSC-1517 Student Notes

NOTE: Notice of Disclaimer!

This site is under construction. At present, it does NOT represent official course material. Official course material can be found on the Moodle website for the course.

Under Construction

Details of the course outline and planning calendar can be found on the Moodle website for the course.

# Participation and Student Repsonsibility for Learning

This site contains numerous examples and information that is available primarily in-class. Material presented in this site is subject to change during the course of the term. Therefore, it is imperitive that you, as a student, attend classes and take notes from information given in class. While material is also provided in written form as posted notes, do not treat posted notes as being extensive or covering all the material delivered in class. You are expected to follow the guidance and use the information provided by your instructor in class.

# Reporting Bugs

Report bugs/errors at this issue tracker. When reporting errors, please identify the complete URL of the page and quote the portion of the page that has the error.