# Programming ASP.NET Controls
At the end of this topic, you should be able to:
- Describe the relationship of the code-behind file to its web form (ASPX page)
- Describe what an event handler is used for
- Describe what is unique about the page load event
- Explain how and when to check the IsPostback property
- List the commonly used properties of the following controls: TextBox, Label, CheckBox, DropDownList, RadioButtonList, Image, Calendar
- List important properties common to all/most ASP.NET controls
- Identify which property of an ASP.Net control is used to programmatically access the control
- Create an event handler method for page load events
- Create event handler methods for button click events
- Access controls on a page to get/set properties and call methods of the control
- Perform simple logic (using flow-control statements) to respond to common control events