# C# Language Review
At the end of this topic, you should be able to:
- Identify the programming language(s) used for this course.
- Explain what is meant by a "case-sensitive" programming language.
- Explain what is meant by a "strongly-typed" programming language
- Describe the difference between variables, values and data types.
- Explain what is meant by a "literal value".
- Explain what a "keyword" is in any programming language.
- Define the phrase "intrinsic data type".
- List the data types that are built into the course's programming language and the default values for those data types.
- Explain what an assignment statement is and how it works.
- Explain what an "expression" is in any programming language.
- List the assignment and arithmetic operators in the course's programming language.
- Explain what "string concatenation" is and how it works.
- Describe the difference between subroutines and functions.
- Describe the purpose of subroutines and functions.
- Identify the syntax for subroutines and functions in the course's programming language.
- Define and distinguish the terms "argument" and "parameter".
- Identify and describe the syntax of the statements associated with the five logical programming structures in the course's programming language.
- List the relational and logical operators in the course's programming language.
- Identify the entry point for every computer program.
- Create a simple console program with functions and subroutines.
- Perform simple console I/O.
- Manipulate information with variables, values and expressions.
- Create code using the five logical programming structures.
- Create code for multi-structured logic (logic that includes many nested and stacked structures)