# A02: Clubs

You must do two web form pages (Query and CRUD) based on the following database tables.

ERD for A02


Clubs - Single Item Create/Read/Update/Delete

  • Clubs is a short list. You can use a dropdownlist to choose the club to maintain.
  • Include a not mapped property called FullName when creating the Employee entity definition. This property will return a string containing the LastName, Firstname of the employee.
  • Provide an option for "no" Employee overseeing the club.
  • Display the EmployeeID and FullName as labels for the Employee information. Use the Search Filter to add or alter this information.
  • Search Filter:
    • Use employee firstname/lastname filtering for Employee lookup on CRUD to get a new EmployeeID.
    • The filter will fill a drop down list from which the new employee will be selected when adding or updating the club.

Form A Search Filter

# Query

Clubs by Active Status - GridView Lookup with ObjectDataSource controls

  • Avoid the use of code-behind in the form wherever possible.
  • Allow the user to choose between veiwing active or non active clubs.
  • Employee information must be displayed in a drop down list showing FullName on the GridView. This list is to contain only employees associated with clubs.
  • Customize your GridView for field size and datatype.

The following specialty stored procedures are available:

  • Clubs_FindByActiveStatus - Returns zero or more Clubs matching the supplied active status
  • Employees_ActiveInClubs - Returns all employees associated with clubs
  • Employees_FindByPartialName - Returns zero or more employees whos first or last name contains the supplied string