# A04: Program Courses

You must do two web form pages (Query and CRUD) based on the following database tables.

ERD for A04


ProgramCourses - Single Item Create/Read/Update/Delete

  • Provide a prompt line to ensure the user selects a Course (no default).
  • ProgramCourses are not deleted. ProgramCourses are made inactive. Change the Active flag of ProgramCourses to indicate its current status.
  • Include a not mapped property called CourseNameID when creating the Course entity definition. This property will return a string containing the CourseName ( CourseID ) of the course.
  • Search Filter:
    • Use Programs and Course filtering for ProgrmCourse record lookup

Form A Search Filter

  • Add/Edit Detail Filter:
    • Use Program list for foreign key: ProgramID
    • Use Course partial name filtering for foreign key: CourseID

Form A Detail Filter

# Query

ProgramCourses by Program - Gridview Lookup with ObjectDataSource controls

  • Avoid the use of code-behind in the form wherever possible.
  • Do not display the ProgramId as part of their multiple records display.
  • Display the CourseNameID for the foreign key to the course using a DropDownList

The following specialty stored procedures are available:

  • ProgramCourses_FindByProgramAndCourse - Returns zero or more ProgramCourses records matching the supplied program id and course id
  • ProgramCourses_FindByProgram - Returns zero or more ProgramCourses records matching the supplied program id
  • Courses_FindByPartialName - Returns zero or more Courses whos course name includes the supplied string