# A13: Student Addresses

You must do two web form pages (Query and CRUD) based on the following database tables.

ERD for A13


StudentAddresses - Single Item Create/Read/Update/Delete

  • StudentAddresses are not to be physically deleted. StudentAddresses are in effect until the UntilDate has been set.

  • Include a not-mapped property called FullAddress when creating the Address entity definition. This property will return a string containing the full address using the format number street (unit). Only add the (unit) if the unit is not null. Examples 1001 14 Ave or 12015 109 St (A215)

  • Search Filter:

    • Use Student firstname/lastname filter for main Student Residence lookup (find all address for a specific student):

    Form A Search Filter

  • Add/Edit Detail Filter:

    • Use Address filter (Number and Street) search for new Address and ForwardingAddress foreign keys.

Form A Detail Filter

# Query

StudentAddresses by Residency Since Date - Gridview Lookup with ObjectDataSource controls

  • Find all StudentAddresses whos SinceDate is within a date range (date A and date B).
  • Avoid the use of code-behind in the form wherever possible.
  • Display the FullAddress for Address and FowardingAddress.

The following specialty stored procedures are available:

  • Students_FindByPartialName - Returns zero or more Students whos first or last name includes the supplied string
  • StudentAddressess_FindByStudent - Returns zero or more StudentAddresses matching the supplied student id
  • Addresses_FindByPartialStreetAddress - Returns zero or more Addresses whos Number and Street contains the supplied values.
  • StudentAddressess_FindByDateRange - Returns zero or more StudentAddresses whos SinceDate is within a date range (date A and B)